
Living in Color

A Seven Day Plan for Emotional Healing Through the Chakras

Imagine what it would be like to feel so alive that the world seems vibrant with color, rich purpose, and lovely connections with those you love. Imagine shedding the dark weight of negative thinking and self-sabotage. It’s not only possible, but JoAnne’s book, Living in Color: A Seven Day Plan for Emotional Healing Through the Chakras, will lead you there.

Living in Color: A Seven Day Plan for Emotional Healing Through the Chakras takes you on an exciting journey through the major energy centers of the body, which correspond to the seven most significant glands in our endocrine system. Each day of the week you will focus on a specific energy center and how to find balance and healing through color, sound, movement, and specific therapeutic interventions that reveal and heal the early wounds that caused the imbalance in the first place.

If you are ready to pull back the curtains on your life and learn to live vibrantly… Pre-order your copy here.

Fall in Love with the Skin You’re In

How to Have Sizzling Body Confidence at Any Size

Imagine how good it would feel to have sparkling self-confidence, vibrant health, and easy heart connections with those you care about, unencumbered by shame about how you look. It’s all possible when you know the secrets to loving your body just as it is!

JoAnne’s new book, Fall in Love with the Skin You’re In, is a totally unique guide to building back the vibrant, light-filled, and loving self-confidence that is your birthright. It takes you on a rich and delightful journey into the inner world of You. It takes you by the hand and gently shows you the secrets to feeling beautiful, sexy, and alive so you can joyfully connect with those you love without all the fear, insecurity, and pain.

You deserve to feel great about yourself now! Pre-order your copy here.

Journey Back to You

Finding Yourself Again After Trauma

Imagine what it would be like to feel good again, after what happened that changed your life. The death of someone you love, being neglected or abandoned in childhood, going through a traumatic experience of any kind- any of these can inflict emotional trauma on you.

Emotional trauma causes a tsunami of changes in our bodies, hearts and minds that can create a lot of confusion about who we really are and what our purpose in life is. Living in survival mode, our protective parts do their best to keep us alive, but they aren’t so good at letting us thrive.

If you want to feel complete and whole again, JoAnne’s book, Journey Back to You, will take you on a healing path that restores you to your true self, free to be who you were always meant to be. Pre-order your copy here.

Please Help Me Die Well

Seven Essential Promises to Make to Your End-of-Life patients

Imagine yourself, as a professional who deeply cares about your patients, going into a situation with a dying patient and feeling confident that you know just what to do to make them feel safe, comfortable, and cared for.

JoAnne’s book, Please Help Me Die Well guides nurses on a sacred journey through the world of a dying person and how to meet their unique needs. It gently reveals the seven crucial promises that you as a nurse must make (and keep) to your end-of-life patients if they are to make the journey through their final days with peace and comfort. Full of grace, compassion, and deep insight, this book will change the way you view your dying patients forever. Pre-order your copy here.